
“What evidence is there for games?” Our field answers this question in very different ways, often with fragmented and contradictory answers. The big picture would help enormously.

For this project, we ambitiously seek to get at the “big picture” for social impact games. Our deep goal is to improve the coherence and collaboration in how stakeholders work together, aligning creative design with evidence and research across disciplines.

We call particular attention to the incredible diversity in the types of impact that games can have. By bringing together leaders from different domains (including civic engagement theorists, learning experts, mobile health researchers, game designers etc.), we hope to stay deeply open to many kinds of impact — not just our favorite theories.

That’s why we are gathering researchers and an advisory board to investigate, and spur a field-level conversation.

cover-fragmented-field-report1-sm2Announcing a new chapter!

In April of 2016, we launched a second chapter for our report, “Impact with Games: A Fragmented Field.” This report reveals the fragmentation of our field in five claims.  Chapter two proposes how we can “counter four risky assumptions.”

Have ideas on what should be added to this report, or the next one?  We are actively seeking input!


For more, read about the project, meet our partners and collaborators, read our full reports or get involved now.