Here’s a very early brainstorm about a typology based on impact, as recorded April 2014 at the Games for Change Festival.
Session title: Impact from Games? Pick the Right Field First! with Benjamin Stokes, Tracy Fullerton, Gerad O’Shea, Shelley Pasnik

What kind of impact is possible with a game? The secret is that successful games have *different* kinds of impact. Too often, the success factors and indicators are mucked together. Perhaps it is time we stop confusing behavior change with advocacy campaigns, let alone success in crowd-sourced labor! For the first time, with funding from the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, we are aiming to spell out different big picture frameworks for “how games have impact.” On April 24th, we are launching this public discourse: come away with starting points to evaluate your next game, and maximize its impact.
p.s. — Here’s the provocation slide we used on “impact types” to push past the usual surface discussion of learning-vs-outreach:

(Re-blogged from a post by Benjamin Stokes.)